image of upgraded playground equipment at Toanche Park

Toanche Park Survey

Toanche Park is located in the Township of Tiny at 771 Champlain Road. The park sprawls over 20 acres and includes a number of great features that the community can enjoy, such as: 

  • Washrooms
  • Playground
  • Picnic area
  • Toboggan hill
  • Outdoor rink
  • Ball diamond
  • Horseshoes

The township is looking for feedback from the public to learn more about what features you enjoy and what other features the community would like to see at the park. 

A Toanche Park Survey was previously available to the public. Results will be posted to this page. 

The township is in the planning stages for a new pavilion to replace the old skating rink at this park. These improvements are made possible through grant funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. 

View the schematic design for the new facility here.