Non-Metered Usage

All residents connected to a Municipal Water System, excluding Wyevale, Perkinsfield, Cooks Lake (starting 2026) and Whip-poor-will (in 2026) pay a flat rate as outlined in the Fees Bylaw. The fees are included in your tax bill. 

The rate consists of a capital fee and operational fee.

Capital Water Service Fee: per lot - Charged on all properties having access to a municipal water system.

Operating Water Service Fee: per lot - Charged on all properties which are connected to a municipal system. 

Water Infrastructure Responsibility (No Water Meter)

Township of Tiny’s Responsibility

  • Service (Curb) Box: Protects the curb stop valve and should be secured and level with the ground. Never touch or cover it.
  • Curb Stop Valve: Located underground, this valve controls the flow of water from the water main to your property.
  • Water Mains: Underground pipes that carry water to water service lines.
  • Service Connection: The part of the pipe that runs from the water main to the curb stop valve in front of your property.

Property Owner's Responsibility

  • Water Service Line: Pipe that runs between the curb stop valve and your property.
  • Indoor Water Shut-off Valve: Shuts off the water supply to your property.
  • Indoor Plumbing: The system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves and fixtures in your home that distribute water.

Any questions or inquiries can be emailed to or call 705-526-4204