The Building Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act and Ontario Building Code. The Department processes building permit applications, completes plans review and conducts field inspections.
Whether you're building a small deck for your home, or breaking ground on a completely vacant lot, make sure you have all the information you need before undergoing a construction project. Please review our Getting Started resources to ensure that you're ready to proceed with a building permit application.
Building Permit Applications

Find out how to apply for a building permit for your next project.
Book a Building Inspection

Find out how to schedule an inspection for your project.
Development Charges

All undeveloped or vacant lots are subject to Development Charges.
Lot Grading

A Lot Grading Plan may be required for your Building Permit application submission.
Sample Plans and Checklists

Example of deck and garage building plans, example site plan, and occupancy inspection checklist.
How do I report work being completed without a building permit?
Complaints of this nature are to be submitted in writing to the Building Department. The complaint must include the municipal address or Tax Assessment Roll Number of the property in question along with the nature of the Ontario Building Code violation.
Complainants personal details are kept confidential in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.