This guide is designed to aid the building application process. It provides sample drawings and comprehensive checklist of required inspections to obtain occupancy:
To aid you in a developing your building plan please see below samples:
A site plan identifies buildings and structures in relation to property boundaries and other features. A site plan is required to be submitted with every building permit application as per Township Building By-law 22-030.
The following information must be shown on a site plan:
- Title and scale
- Street name(s)
- North arrow
- Property lines with dimensions
- All existing and proposed structures including the sewage system with dimensions and well location (if applicable)
- Setbacks (distance) to all property lines and sewage system from all existing and proposed structures
- Lot coverage of existing and proposed structures
- Rights-of-way and easements
- Any creek, drainage, water courses or steep slopes
Administrative and paperwork requirements:
- All previously required inspections must have been completed and passed.
- All required engineer’s reports and/or soils test must have been submitted.
- If the permit in question has other files attached to the property such as decks, porches or wood burning appliances those also need all inspections to be done and passed. (Rear decks/porches can be blocked or guarded until they are complete).
- Septic permit is completed and closed when new septic system was required.
- Potable water test is required for all properties that are not on municipal water. Properties on municipal water must provide a copy of the final water connection.
- Outstanding re-inspections fees (if any) need to be paid.
On site requirements as per Div. C, Part 1,
- Roofing (including flashing), exterior cladding, doors and windows must all be in place.
- All hose bibs are required to have backflow preventors.
- Required exit(s) must have safe access to egress (deck/porch completed).
- Exterior lighting is required at entrances and garages.
- Walls and ceiling (if applicable) in a garage abutting living space are required to be gas proofed. (drywall or plywood sealed at all seams and penetrations).
- Any door leading from an attached garage to living space (main floor and /or basement) required to be an exterior grade door with weather stripping and self-closer.
- All required handrails (more than 2 interior risers or 3 exterior risers) must be in place. Height of 2’-10” – 3’-6”, continuous, graspable with 2” (2 3/8” rough surfaces) clearance on all sides.
- All required guards (more than a 2’ drop) must be in place. Must be non climbable with no openings more than 4” and height of min. 36” on interior and up to 42” on exterior.
- If a rear or side deck or porch is not completed leaving a door having a drop on the exterior of more than 2’ the door must be secured shut (opens not more than 4”) or must be properly guarded.
- Stairs must have even rise and run conforming to 9.8.2. of the Ontario Building Code and must have a minimum headroom of 6’-5”.
- Where gravity drainage is not provided a sealed sump pail and functional pump must be in place and must discharge as per the lot grading plan. A floor drain is required in basements.
- Dwelling must be substantially completed with all flooring and wall finishes in place.
- All washrooms (except basement rough-ins) and kitchen must be in full working order with traps under the sinks.
- Electrical supply is provided and functional with ESA sticker on panel or letter provided.
- The main entrance door requires a window/sidelight or door viewer and a deadbolt lock.
- All doors are required to swing over a landing.
- Smoke alarms shall be hardwired, interconnected, and have strobe lights. They must be in each bedroom and on each floor level.
- Each hallway or space outside a bedroom requires a hardwired and interconnected carbon monoxide alarm. A combination unit is permitted.
- If any part of the building has foam plastics (ICF foundation, rigid insulation, spray foam insulation etc) it must be fire protected by a finish listed in 9.29.4. to 9.29.9. of the Ontario Building Code.
- Cold rooms require venting to the exterior and openings provided with a protective screen and require an exterior grade door with weather-stripping.
- Hot water tanks require heat traps, insulation (R-3.5) along the first 8’ of the inlet and outlet pipe and a mixing valve. Pressure relief valve shall be 6”-12” above finished floor.
- Single family dwellings are only permitted to have one kitchen (bars areas are not permitted to have any cooking appliances).
- All bedrooms require windows that are a minimum 5% of the room size and are openable for natural ventilation. Each floor level containing a bedroom must have direct access to the exterior through a door or an egress window.
- Headroom must comply with (minimum 83”- 90.5” depending on space).
- A crawl space requires ground cover and an access opening min. 20” x 27 ½”. If unheated requires 1 sq.ft. of natural ventilation to the exterior for every 538 sq.ft of area.
- Attic hatch to be installed, insulated, and weather-stripped. Minimum size 19.75” x 27.5”.
Once occupancy is granted a lot grading certificate can be provided to the municipality by the lot grading designer. The lot grading deposit can then be requested for refund.
(This checklist is generated for convenience only and may not include all items for required for occupancy)