The commemorative tree and bench Program allows the public to pay tribute to a person(s) or occasion by purchasing a park bench or tree for installation in a Township of Tiny public park.
Online Application Paper Application
Benches are constructed by a local company and come with a bench plaque. Trees are locally sourced, native species that will add to the natural habitat of your preferred planting location.
Commemorative Trees
Commemorative trees are locally sourced, native species. Trees are purchased as a 40-60 mm caliper tree. Species will vary depending on the preferred location (see below)
About the Tree Species
Commemorative Benches
Commemorative benches are made in Tiny with concrete arms and wooden seats and backs. Benches are approximately 8 feet long by 2 feet wide and a recognition plaque is affixed to the centre on the top board of the bench.
The benches are heavy and will not be secured; the Township may decide to tie-down the bench in some areas.
Commemorative Stewardship Project
Occasionally, a resident of Tiny may wish to commemorate an event or loved one with a legacy project rather than a single tree or bench.
To complete a commemorative stewardship project, please contact the Recreation & Culture Department to discuss.