Significant Weather Event Update: February 18, 2025

tiny snowplow
February 18, 2025 - 11:43am
Press Releases

(Tiny, Ontario) On February 16, 2025, the Township of Tiny declared a Significant Weather Event based on Environment Canada’s forecast for significant snowfall and potential blowing snow throughout the weekend. 

Blowing snow continues to make travel in some parts of Tiny difficult, and as a result, the Township of Tiny is advising motorists to avoid non-essential travel where possible. 

The township will continue to monitor road conditions and advise of any updates, including road closures. Follow us on social media or sign up for Tiny Connect notifications to receive the latest information at

Reminder for drivers and residents to be cautious and drive to the conditions of the road. Residents can help out by ensuring they:

  • do not park on any roadways/sidewalks to allow snow clearing vehicles to do their work;
  • clear catch basins adjacent to their property; and
  • keep roadways clear (place garbage/bins on your driveway apron) during scheduled waste collection.

For more information about winter maintenance in Tiny, visit

Significant Weather Event

Municipalities may declare a Significant Weather Event when a weather hazard, either forecasted or occurring, has the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the roadways in that municipality. Weather hazards include freezing rain, significant snowfall, strong winds, blowing snow, and reduced visibility. 

This declaration is permitted under the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways under Ontario Regulation 239/02.

Notice will be provided when the Declaration of Significant Weather Event has been removed based on the township’s ability to achieve the requirements under MMS. 
