Bids & Tenders

For a general look at current quotes and tenders postings, please visit:


Did you know that The Township of Tiny has a Contractor Program?  All contractors who do work for the Township must enroll in the Compliance Sync Contractor Program.

For complete details about the program, please the Complete Contractor Sync Package (PDF).

​Required Training for Third Party Agencies (Consultants, Contractors, Vendors, Service Providers):

Accessible Customer Service Training

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service O. Reg. 191/11 requires a Municipality to adopt and maintain a policy, procedures and practices governing the provision of its goods and services to persons with disabilities.  

The legislation states that every person who deals with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of the provider (the Township) must receive training on Accessible Customer Service. For complete details and to ensure you are compliant, please review our Accessibility page.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Training

The Integrated Accessibility Standards, O. Reg 191/11 states that every person who provides goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization (the Township) must receive training on the Integrated Accessibility Standards and on the Human Rights Code. For complete details and to ensure you are compliant, please review our Accessibility page.

Group Purchasing

This is a public notification that the Township of Tiny is a participating agency in one or more procurements conducted by the following cooperative buying groups:

  1. LAS – Local Authority Services -
  2. Sourcewell -
  3. Canoe Procurement Group of Canada - 
  4. Georgian Bay Area Public Purchasing Cooperative -