Design Your Own Pollinator Friendly Garden

Design Your Own Pollinator Friendly Garden
Event type

Welcome more butterflies and moths, beetles and bees, and other pollinators into your garden – by DESIGN.

Join Kathleen Patnode, from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, for this insightful FREE workshop.

Bring in a sketch of your garden. Consider its soil and light conditions. Find out how easy it is to add more native species, and strategic features, to your green space to support the life-cycle needs of pollinators and other beneficial insects.

Where: Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, 16160 Hwy 12 E, Midland

When: May 4th, 2025, from 1:30 – 4:00 pm

How much: FREE

Ages: 16+

Registration Required: Using Eventbrite

Design Your Own Pollinator Friendly Garden