March Break Broadway Blockbusters Bootcamp

March Break Broadway Blockbusters Bootcamp poster

The North Simcoe Sports and Recreation Centre Community Hall

527 Len Self Blvd, Midland

Event type

Learn FOUR production numbers from mega-hit Broadway shows. Performers will receive practical insight into how big musical numbers are rehearsed and performed while they work with professional artists to produce a showcase of hit Broadway songs and scenes. Building on the fundamentals of singing, acting, and movement, students will develop an understanding of reading sheet music, vocal production, choreography and creating dynamic characters within the ensemble. The Final Showcase will be presented on Friday, March 15 at 3:00 p.m. In addition, students will attend Master Classes with Industry Professionals.

Ages: 9 - 18

More information: 

Ashley-Elizabeth Legedza

Kings Wharf Theatre Facility Manager

Drayton Entertainment

Phone: (519) 621-5511 ext:257

Cell: (705) 955-2680

Fax:  (519) 620-8055