As per the By-law, water meters will now be required for all customers in the following Municipal Water Systems:

Wyevale Municipal Water System, Perkinsfield Municipal Water System

Water meters are also required for all industrial, commercial, and institutional customers on any other Municipal Water System within the Township of Tiny.

The Township of Tiny is moving away from flat rate billing to ensure equitable water billing and encourage water conservation. Each customer will be charged fees based on the actual amount of water they consume. Metering each property also aids the municipality in identifying leaks within its distribution network.

Cooks Lake and Whippoorwill Water Meter Installation Program - Summer 2024

Starting in July 2024, the Township of Tiny is initiating a water meter installation program for residents connected to the Cooks Lake and Whippoorwill Drinking Water Systems. The company "Evans Supply Limited" has been contracted to install the water meters in these areas. Cooks Lake and Whippoorwill residents  will receive a letter with more information about booking a time to have your new water meter installed.

Please check back regularly for more information. 

There will be no charge to property owners for the meter or the installation.

After the installation of your water meter, you will provided with mock billing for the 2025 calendar year. You will still be charged that flat water rate on your tax bill for the duration of 2025. Starting January 2026, the flat rate for water will be removed from your tax bill and you will be receiving a separate water bill quarterly. Your water bill will be dependent on your consumption and the first bill will be issued in April 2026. 

How to Pay your Water Bill

Metered Water Bill Payments are processed through Finance. Visit their page to make a payment or ask questions about payment options. 

Information on making a metered water bill payment


If you are moving to or from the Township of Tiny and are connected to the Wyevale Municipal Water System, please fill out the Final Meter Read Request form and submit it to or fill out the online form here

For all other Municipal Water Systems, the flat rate water fees are with your tax statement. 

Other Water Information

Any questions or inquiries can be emailed to or call 705-526-4204