The Committee of Adjustment is comprised of individuals from the resident public appointed by Council. The Committee of Adjustment has authority under the Planning Act to review and grant decisions on applications for the severance of land, validation of title and the granting of minor variances pertaining to the regulations contained in the Zoning By-law. The public meetings are normally scheduled for the first Monday of the month or at the call of the Chair.
Important Changes to Third-Party Appeal Rights
The Provincial Government has amended the Planning Act and generally removed the rights of third parties to appeal Committee of Adjustment decisions. As of November 28, 2022, only the applicant, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, specified persons, and public bodies (as those terms are defined in the Planning Act) are permitted to appeal decisions of the Committee of Adjustment.
The Provincial Government’s amendments to the Planning Act also removed the rights of third parties to proceed with previously submitted minor variance or consent appeals in certain circumstances.
2025 Meeting Schedule and Submission Deadlines (PDF)
John Vice, Committee Member
Andreas Muller, Committee Member
Scott Stronghill, Committee Member
Louise Maurice, Committee Member
Roger Robitaille, Committee Member