Youth Advisory Committee

Exciting News Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for updates on how you can get involved, make a difference, and be part of a dynamic community dedicated to amplifying youth voices in our region. We can't wait to share more details with you soon. 

The Youth Advisory Committee will provide a voice for the Township of Tiny youth while advising Council of important recreational and social issues concerning the Township’s younger population. The Committee will encourage the development of opportunities, programs, and services that will enhance the life, health, and well-being of the youth in the community.

The purpose of Tiny’s Youth Advisory Committee is:

  • To keep Council informed of important matters affecting youth
  • To occasionally host youth workshops/forums, conduct surveys to address concerns and needs that affect youth To act as a positive advocate for youth
  • To actively seek input from youth on important matters
  • To support events created by the Committee that relate to the mandate
  • To provide leadership experience for youth