How to Pay your Property Taxes
We offer five payment options, outlined in the sections below.
We offer two payment plans for property taxes and one plan for water billing:
- Tax Due Date - 3 times per year on the tax due dates in March, June and September.
- Tax Monthly - 12 monthly payments withdrawn on the 21st.
- Water Due Date - 4 times per year on scheduled due dates.
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Form
If you would like to be removed from the payment plan, we require 30 days written notice. Please email your request to, or provide written notice to the Municipal office. The request should include your Roll Number and or water account number, property address and the date you would like the change to become effective.
If you request to be removed from a payment plan and would like to be added back on in the future, we will require you to submit a new Pre-Authorized payment plan form and void cheque as we do not keep banking information on file.
Using your on-line banking platform for bill payments though your financial institution. You must use the 19 digits of your property tax roll number as the account number. Please ensure that sufficient lead time is provided for the bank to process your payment to the Township.
You must use the 19 digits of your property tax roll number as the account number. Please ensure that sufficient lead time is provided for the bank to process your payment to the Township.
The Township of Tiny has partnered with a third-party service provider, Paymentus, to offer credit card and Visa and Mastercard debit card payment options.
Debit options: Visa Debit, Mastercard Debit
Credit options: Visa, Mastercard, and American Express (Amex)
Note: A service fee of 2.5% per transaction is charged by Paymentus to cover their handling and processing fee.
Cheques should be made payable to The Township of Tiny and must include your roll number. Please ensure you mail your payment in time to be received by the due date. The Township will not be responsible for late receipt of mail.
If a receipt is required, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment.
You can make payments between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding holidays, by cash, cheque or debit at the Township Office located at 130 Balm Beach West.
You can also pay using our after-hours drop box located at the front of the building (do not leave cash in the drop box as we will not be responsible). If a receipt is required, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your payment.
Where do your tax dollars go?
The information sheet includes topics such as:
- How are tax dollars allocated?
- What will my property taxes be?
- How much money goes toward township services?
- How much money goes toward the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)?
Paperless (E-billing) – Sign up now!
E-billing is a new secure and convenient way to receive an electronic version of your property tax bill and or water bill directly to your email.
To sign up for paperless tax bills and or water bills, complete the form below and email it to
Late Payment Charges
All payments must be received at the Township Office by the due date. Absolutely no extensions will be granted.
Penalty and interest charges of 1.25% per month, effective the first day of default, will be applied.
Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse an owner from payment or relieve them from any late payment charges. If you do not receive your bill, please contact the Finance Department.
Other Tax Information
- It is the owners responsibility to ensure that the Township is provided with an updated and accurate mailing address for tax billing purposes. To change or update your mailing address, the property owner is required to complete and return the Change of Mailing Address Form below by email at or mail to 130 Balm Beach Rd. W, Tiny, ON L0L 2J0.
Failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse an owner from payment of taxes or relief of any late payment charges incurred.
Change of Mailing Address Form
Property taxes in Tiny are due on the last working day of March, June and September.
- Interim taxes due March 31, 2025
- Final taxes instalment #1 due June 30, 2025
- Final taxes instalment #2 due September 29, 2025
The Township calculates your property taxes by multiplying your property assessment value by the tax rate. If you do not agree with the assessment value of your property, contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.
A tax sale occurs when the Township of Tiny sells a property due to unpaid property taxes, in accordance with the Ontario Municipal Act. We advertise tax sales on our website, in the Ontario Gazette, in the local newspaper and with The purpose of the tax sale process is to assure the collection of taxes by municipalities is equitably shared by all taxpayers, and also to bring some finality to the process of tax collection.
Tax Sale Information
Please see below for information regarding the most recent tax sale.
View Tax Sale Results from April 11, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the tax sale process?
- The Township of Tiny will notify the property owner that the property taxes are in arrears and is eligible to be registered for tax sale.
- The property owner will receive a tax arrears certificate that indicates the property will be sold if outstanding taxes are not paid within one year.
- One year after the tax arrears certificate has been registered, the township can advertise a Sale of Land by Public Tax Sale in the next Municipal tax sale.
- Once the property has been advertised, a Sale of Land by Public Tender package will be available to purchase through - applicable fees will apply.
Does the minimum tender amount reflect the value of a tax sale property?
- No, the property may be worth much more or less than the minimum tender amount.
Are there open houses on tax sale properties?
- Tax sales are not typical real estate transactions. The current property owner on title may still be occupying the property. Entering on to a property is considered trespassing.
Does the township own or represent the title of the tax sale property?
- The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to the property or any other matters relating to the lands to be sold.
What is the responsibility of the tenderer?
- It is the responsibility of the tenderer to research the property and are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with the Municipal Act and are advised to seek legal advice before participating in this sale.
Where can you obtain a tender package?
- A Sale of Land by Public Tender package can be obtained from the Ontario Tax Sale website.
If my tender is not successful, how do I get my deposit back?
It could take up to three business days to award the highest and second highest tenders. Once the successful tenders have been determined, the unsuccessful tender deposits will be returned. The Finance Department will contact all unsuccessful tenderers to pickup or make arrangements for the return of their deposit.
Can I see a copy of the last tax sale results?
A tax certificate is a legal document that shows the annual property taxes and any current or prior arrears for a property. Tax certificates are typically requested by a lawyer during a property transfer or purchase. The Township will not provide any verbal information regarding the status of property taxes.
- $50.00 processed within 3-4 business days
- $100.00 processed within 2 business days
Certificates are processed once payment is received.
The assessment value used to calculate your property taxes is determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). MPAC is the organization that classifies and assesses all properties in Ontario under the Assessment Act and regulations established by the Provincial Government. For more information on your property assessment value or if you do not agree with your property assessment value contact the MPAC office at: 1-866-296-6722, or online at:
Property Assessment Roll Books are available at the Township office for public Viewing during regular office hours with set time limits. Use of the Assessment Roll Books must follow the Release of Property Assessment & Tax Information Policy.
Property owners may apply to the Township for property tax refund, cancellation or reduction on all or part of taxes levied under certain circumstances. Examples include:
- Your property has become substantially unusable due to damage.
- Your property has changed its primary use (for example, from a residential property to a place of worship).
- There was an error in the property assessment, resulting in incorrect tax rate being applied.
- There was an error in your property’s classification, resulting in incorrect tax rate being applied
Requirements are governed by legislation as described under Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
In order to file an application for a property tax adjustment, you must be one of the following:
- the property owner
- the spouse of the owner
- the tenant, occupant or their spouse
- a person in possession of the land
The application form for Tax Adjustment under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act can be downloaded and completed by clicking on the link below. The completed application must be sent to the Township for approval and processing.
Application for Tax Adjustment Under Section 357/358 of Municipal Act (PDF)